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Fiera di Santa Lucia

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Piazza Saffi and Corso della Repubblica
- Forlì

Periodo di svolgimento

 December 13, 2020


From 7.30am to 8.00pm

In Forlì, on the day of Saint Lucia, December 13, celebrating with sweets, crunchy nougat and above all, which gives you the beautiful girls in the day traditionally devoted to them.


From the morning, Corso della Repubblica is filled with stalls that display crisps, nougats, sweets, various delicacies and toys.

The Fair of Saint Lucia every year brings many exhibitors, about 120, and good things to eat in the center of Forlì. From early morning, near the church dedicated to the Saint, corso della Repubblica and piazza Saffi are filled with stalls of crunchy, nougats, sweets, various delicacies and toys.

On the day of St Lucy, popular piety and archetypes from the rural world meet in the same object of worship, linked to the topic of light, which is recalled by the name of the Saint.


At the church dedicated to her, the blessing of the eyes is carried out with the relic of the Saint, protector of sight.

Sito dell'evento


Intera: entry free

Per informazioni

Blu Nautilus Srl
Piazzale Cesare Battisti 22/E
47921 - Rimini

Ultimo aggiornamento martedì 1 dicembre 2020

Torna indietro

Comune di Forlì - Piazza Saffi, 8 47121 Forlì
PEC: - P.Iva: 00606620409
A cura della Redazione di Turismo Forlivese, Piazza Saffi 8, 47121 Forlì - - Tel. 0543 712362
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