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Abbazia di San Donnino

It was one of the most famous and powerful Benedectine abbeys.

Address: 47017 Rocca San Casciano (FC), Italia
Telephone number: Parroco +39.0543.960203
Sito WEB:

Admission: free


St. Donnino Abbey rises 3Km. far from Rocca San Casciano. It is reachable driving along the provincial road that connects Rocca to San Zeno.

Analytical text

San Donnino abbey was one of the most ancient and powerful Benedictine abbeys of Romagna-Toscana. The original church had a basilican shape with a nave and two aisles. It was first mentioned in some documents dated back to 1214, but it was certainly built in previous times.


For further information contact the parish priest Don Tedaldo Naldi, 7 via Marconi.

Web Site

Ultimo aggiornamento mercoledì 28 aprile 2021


Torna indietro

Comune di Forlì - Piazza Saffi, 8 47121 Forlì
PEC: - P.Iva: 00606620409
A cura della Redazione di Turismo Forlivese, Piazza Saffi 8, 47121 Forlì - - Tel. 0543 712362
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