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Basilica di San Rufillo

The building is dedicated to St. Ruffillo, first bishop and patron saint of the village. The church was constructed in the VI century and modified at the beginning of the XIX century. From 1964 it hosts the mortal remains of the saint.

Address: Via P. Artusi, 17
Telephone number: Ufficio Cultura +39.0543.749234 - Ufficio Turismo +39.0543.749250
Fax: +39.0543.749247
Sito WEB: http://www.comune.forlimpopoli.fc.it

Admission: free.

How to get there

San Rufillo basilica rises at the edge of Forlimpopoli centre, towards Forlì. It is reachable through the old ring road.

Analytical text

The basilica rises at the edge of Forlimpopoli centre, towards Forlì. It was built during the VI century. In the X century a Benedictine Abbey rose beside it. At the beginning of the XIX century important restoration works started. The restoration works changed the main structure of the facade, the height of the nave and the neoclassic pronaos. There are a nave and two aisles. At the end of the nave there is the reliquary of the Saint. In the presbytery there is the ancient bishop's throne, while in the apsis there is a XVIII century chorus in walnut wood. At the sides of the main door of the church there are two sepulchral monuments in memory of Bruno I and Bruno II Zampeschi.

Last update martedì 1 settembre 2020


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Comune di Forlì - Piazza Saffi, 8 47121 Forlì
PEC: comune.forli@pec.comune.forli.fc.it - P.Iva: 00606620409
A cura della Redazione di Turismo Forlivese, Piazza Saffi 8, 47121 Forlì - iat@comune.forli.fc.it - Tel. 0543 712362
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