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S. Maria Assunta church

S. Maria Assunta church rises in Piazza Cavour in Predappio Alta. It occupies an entire side of the little square.

Address: Piazza Cavour, 47016 Predappio (FC), Italia
Locality: Predappio Alta
Telephone number: +39.0543.922323


S. Maria Assunta church rises in Piazza Cavour in Predappio Alta. It occupies an entire side of the little square. It has a XIX century structure and only one nave. It is the parish church of Predappio Alta. In the inside of the church there is an oil painting portraying the Assumption; it might belong to Cigniani's school (XVII century). There is also an anonymous XVIII century painting portraying the Assumption of Holy Mary; recent studying attributed this painting to Antonio Bellori from Bologna whom might have painted this work of art in 1725-1730.

Week timetable opening

Summer hours: from 7.30 to 12.30am and from 2.30 to 6.30 pm
Winter hours: from 4.30 to 6.30.pm

Festive timetable opening

From 7.30am to 12.30am and from 4.30pm to 6.30pm

How to get there

S. Maria Assunta church rises in Piazza Cavour in Predappio Alta. Predappio Alta is reachable takeing the right turning (if coming from Forlì) that is Strada Comunale leading from Piazza S. Antonio (Predappio) directly to Predappio Alta.

Last update mercoledì 26 agosto 2020


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