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Chiesa dei Servi

XV century church constructed by Servi di Maria brotherhood. In the inside of the church it is possible to admire relevant works of art such as "Annunciazzione" by Marco Palmezzano and the organ with painted panels decorated by Livio Modigliani.

Address: Via Battisti, 47034 Forlimpopoli (FC), Italia
Telephone number: Ufficio Cultura +39.0543.749234 - Ufficio Turismo +39.0543.749250
Sito WEB: http://www.comune.forlimpopoli.fc.it
e-mail: turismo@comune.forlimpopoli.fc.it

Admission: admission free 


Chiesa dei Servi is only 100 mt. far from the Fortress and from the parking around it. It is easily reachable on foot. Few steps must be climbed to enter and this might complicate the access for handicapped people.

Analytical text

Chiesa dei Servi is located in Via Battisti in front of the San Pietro church. It was built during the XV century by “Servi di Maria” brotherhood. It rose by the hospital and “Battuti Neri” oratory. The church took the actual features during the beginning of the XVIII century. On the external walls it is possible to spot the pilasters and the XV century door. Inside the church there are six niches with altars dominated by beautiful paintings, there is also an organ with wooden pipes. The most important work of arts collected in the church are: “Annunciazione” by Marco Palmezzano from Forlì and the organ painted by “Livio Modigliani” and portraying “Madonna dei Servi” and “Santa Caterina”. The church is still consecrated even though it is not used for holy celebrations.


Visits by appointment at the tourist office.

Last update martedì 1 settembre 2020


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Comune di Forlì - Piazza Saffi, 8 47121 Forlì
PEC: comune.forli@pec.comune.forli.fc.it - P.Iva: 00606620409
A cura della Redazione di Turismo Forlivese, Piazza Saffi 8, 47121 Forlì - iat@comune.forli.fc.it - Tel. 0543 712362
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