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Museo Storico della Fortezza

Permanent exhibition of historical finds, from prehistory to various historical periods: Etrurian, Roman, Longobard, Byzantine, and to Middle Ages and Renaissance as well.
Permanent exhibition of weapons, majolica, paintings, furniture and objects dating back to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.


Address: Via Fortezza, 1, 47011 Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole (FC), Italia
Telephone number: Castrocaro's Pro Loco: +39.0543.769541

Sito WEB: http://www.proloco-castrocaro.it

e-mail: info@proloco-castrocaro.it

Admission: € 5.00

Reduced rates: € 4.00 under 14 and over 65 years old

Opening time

1st 10-13 e 15-19

Saturday 15-19
sunday and holidays 10-13 e 15-19

April, May
Saturday 15-19
sunday and holidays 10-13 e 15-18

June, july, august, semptember
Saturday 16-20
sunday and holidays 10-13 e 16-20

Saturday 15-19
Sunday and holidays 10-13 e 15-19

Saturday 15-19
sunday and holidays 10-13 e 15-18

Saturday 15-19
Sunday 10-13 e 15-19


'The Eagle, the Keys, the Lily' permanet exhibition: in the Vatican Secret Archives, many unpublished documents have been found and they have been analysed in order to understand social, political, military and artistic events concerned with Castrocaro's Fortress and its territory, especially those happened during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
The Museum has been fit out at the ground floor of the XIII century's Palazzo del Castellano (Lord's castle), which is inside the medieval Fortress.
The exhibition itinerary is chronologically divided into 5 sections: Antiquity, the Eagle Time, the Keys on the banner, about the Lily, the De' Medici.
Permanent exhibition of Ancient Weapons and Furniture: exhibition itinerary from the Lord's Palace through the Lord's Hall, the Weapons corridor, the Fresco Hall and the Knights' Lodge.

Last update martedì 2 marzo 2021


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Comune di Forlì - Piazza Saffi, 8 47121 Forlì
PEC: comune.forli@pec.comune.forli.fc.it - P.Iva: 00606620409
A cura della Redazione di Turismo Forlivese, Piazza Saffi 8, 47121 Forlì - iat@comune.forli.fc.it - Tel. 0543 712362
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