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Castelnuovo Tower

torre castelnuovoStriking ruins of the ancient fortress


Address: 47014 Meldola (FC), Italia
Telephone number: +39.0543.499411


Today there are only the ruins of the significant castle mentioned since the X Century, which belonged to Calboli and known as Castrumm Novi and which used to encompass the castle, the bell tower of the XV Century tiny church and a small cemetery. It is located on the crest which ends at the confluence between Bidente and Voltre. During the moyen-age Castelnuovo used to be also a protection lighthouse of the renowned Via Romipeta for the pilgrims who used to walk down from North to reach Rome crossing the Bidente Valley.

Week timetable opening

You can visit it only externally, since it is reduced to ruins

How to get it

From Meldola take the SS310 towards St. Sophia - the height of St. Columban take deviation to the left. Follow the road to a gravel pit. Here turn right across a small bridge over Bidente, and continue to narrow dirt road that climbs the mountain with considerable gradients.
A few meters before reaching the farm Vigne, take road on left and follow it up with a left hand curve (on the right farm and barns). Here you leave it and walk on dirt road blocked, in about 150 meters we reach the ruins of the village of Castelnuovo, above these, on the hill, the remains of ancient fortifications.

Last update mercoledì 29 agosto 2018


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