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Galeata - PanoramaThe little town of the Upper Bidente Valley lies on a river terrace in the middle of a valley dominated by a high and picturesque cliff. Here the first human settlements appeared in the prehistoric age. In the Roman time, close to the present town centre, was Mevaniola, of which it is possible to visit today the ancient archaeological site. Toward the end of the 5th century, two opposing communities settled here, and were represented by the hermit Ellerus and by the Gothic king Theodoric (excavations are underway to bring to light interesting remains of the sumptuous palace). At that time the mighty Abbey of Sant’Ellero came into being under the rule of the Church of Ravenna while, lower in the valley, the “Burgus Galliatae” began to take shape. In the Middle Ages the village was ruled by the powerful Abbey of Sant’Ellero and then fell under the influence of the Florentines for several centuries. In 1923, upon the request of Mussolini, Galeata was joined by the Province of Forlì.

Today Galeata is a hospitable town and has a rich cultural and historic heritage lovingly preserved. A stop in one of its ancient shops in the small centre is a must. Other attractions not to miss are in the centre of the village the two historical covered streets (Via Zannetti and Via IV Novembre), Pretorio Palace and San Pietro in Bosco Parish Church. In the surroundings are to be seen the secluded Abbey of Sant’Ellero and, in the nearby Pianetto, the Civic Museum “Mons. Domenico Mambrini” housed in the Monastery of the Minor Fathers and the Renaissance Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli (Our Lady of the Miracles), the Monastery of the Friars Minor Conventuals with adjoining cloister, the two archaeological sites of Mevaniola and the Teodoric Mansion.

Altitude: 230 mslm
Inhabitants: 2.237 inhabitants

How to get there

Galeata is 34 kilometres from Forlì, 38 kilometres from Forlì railway station and 33 kilometres from Forlì airport (drive along the 4 provincial road of the Bidente valley towards Meldola – Galeata – santa Sofia).

To have tourist informations:

Address: Comune di Galeata, Via Castellucci, 1, 47010 Galeata (FC), Italia
Telephone number: +39.0543.975428
Fax: +39.0543.981021

Sito WEB:

Address: 'Mons. Domenico Mambrini' Civic Museum - Via Borgo Pianetto - Pianetto
Telephone number: +39.0543.981854 - +39.0543.975424
Fax: +39.0543.981021

Sito WEB:

Other news

Every year, at the end of October, the Horse and Foal Fair takes place in Galeata with plenty of horse shows, conferences, music, games and historical re-enactments.

At the end of April, the Stridolo (sculpit) Festival is organized, where you can taste typical sculpit-based recipes, especially tagliatelle and tortelli.

Ultimo aggiornamento lunedì 5 marzo 2018


Torna indietro

Comune di Forlì - Piazza Saffi, 8 47121 Forlì
PEC: - P.Iva: 00606620409
A cura della Redazione di Turismo Forlivese, Piazza Saffi 8, 47121 Forlì - - Tel. 0543 712362
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