Welcome to the Official Tourist Information Site of the Municipality of Forlì


Villa Paolucci - Merlini

villa paolucci merliniLate Baroque villa belonging to Paolucci-Merlini family.

Address: 47023 Forlimpopoli (FC), Italia
Locality: Selbagnone, frazione di Forlimpopoli
Telephone number: Uff. Cultura: +39.0543.749234; Uff. Turistico: +39.0543.749250
Fax: +39.0543.749247

E-mail: turismo@comune.forlimpopoli.fc.it


The villa rises in Selbagnone village. It is an XVIII century building. It has a four floors facade with two staircases that lead to the main entrance. A huge park with secular cedars of Lebanon surrounds the villa.

The villa is closed to public.

How to get there

Enter in Forlimpopoli (from Forlì), take the turning opposite the fortress (on the right) and follow the directions for Meldola.

Last update mercoledì 26 agosto 2020


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