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The first centre of Meldola fortress is prior to the year 1000. Today the Fortress, which belongs to Meldola Municipality, is being renovated.

Address: Via I Maggio, 47014 Meldola (FC), Italia
Telephone number: Meldola Municipality +39.0543.499411
Fax: +39.0543.490353
Sito WEB:


It rises just outside the centre. It is reachable by car.

Analytical text

The fortress rises on a rock that dominates Meldola. The first nucleus of the future fortress was built around the year 1000. At the beginning Ravenna Clerical Community and Meldola local administration fought to gain power on this castle; it passed from the control of the Ghibellines to the one of the Guelphs and then the other way around. This situation went on until 1283 when Count Guido da Montefeltro took the castle as his last shelter in Romagna. After 1283 the castle and the territory around definitively passed under the control of the Church. In 1527 the castle was sacked and destroyed by the lansquenets of Carlo Borbone. The defences of the castle had been reinforced along the years. In 1531 it became the magnificent residence of Sir Leonello Pio da Carpi who enriched it with an imposing new building. This new part of the castle was partially destroyed by the earthquake of 1870.
Now the Fortress belongs to Comune di Meldola and it is under repair.

Opening time

Under repair, you can visit it only externally

Ultimo aggiornamento mercoledì 26 agosto 2020


Torna indietro

Comune di Forlì - Piazza Saffi, 8 47121 Forlì
PEC: - P.Iva: 00606620409
A cura della Redazione di Turismo Forlivese, Piazza Saffi 8, 47121 Forlì - - Tel. 0543 712362
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