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Abbazia di Sant'Andrea

abbazia dovadola 1

abbazia dovadola 2

S. Andrea's abbey of the homonymous villa surrounded by a park, full of trees (fir-tree and hourse-chesnut trees), contains the sarcophagus with the remains of the Blessed Benedetta Bianchi Porro.



Address: Via Benedetta Bianchi Porro, 47010 Dovadola (FC), Italia

Telephone number: +39.0543.934676

The Abbey will remain closed until September 2019.

Admission: free


How to get there

It is situated near Ponte della Badia. Reachabe only by car



The abbey was built in the XI century in the same place where an abbey was founded by cluniacensi monks in previous times. The façade of the abbey is Romanique. Benedetta Bianchi Porro' s grave is kept inside the abbey.



Last update mercoledì 26 agosto 2020


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