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Eremo di San Barnaba in Gamogna - Tredozio

It was founded in 1053 by Pier Damiani abbot. In recent times it was turned into a parish church because of the depopulation of the mountain-areas. Gamogna has been restored and soon will be open to public.

Address: 47019 Tredozio (FC), Italia
Locality: Camogna
Telephone number: +39.333.8827033

Mail: fmg.gamogna@libero.it


Free entrance.

How to get there

Drive 8 km along the provincial road towards the Tramazzo mountain and leave the car in a parking area. From there take an almost half an hour walking path towards the mountain range, or proceed by car through the gravel path that from Lutirano, 6 km from Tredozio, turns southwards and arrives at Ponte della Valle. Here ends the gravel trail and begins the walking way to Trebbana up to Gamogna.


Though not belonging to the municipal territory of Tredozio, the hermitage was in 1053 under the jurisdiction of San Valentino parish church. It was founded in 1053 by Pier Damiani abbot and was turned in recent times into a parish church because of the depopulation of the mountain-areas. Gamogna has been restored and soon will be open to public.

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The Tramazzo Valley

Last update mercoledì 26 agosto 2020


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